The Amazing Vitamin C Benefits
Vitamin C provides many benefits to the skin. Including skin brightening and stimulation of collagen production.

Pamper yourself with a Self Care Sunday
Look better and feel better. Use a Self Care Sunday to pamper yourself and your skin! #skincare #healthyskin

You are worth 5 minutes of your time
As a full time worker in the beauty industry I spend my days working with lots of different women. And these women all have different...

Ice Facials
In the fall of 2014 I noticed a trend emerging from Los Angeles, ice facials. I began to hear about celebrities using the benefits of...
Sugar kills Skin
In addition to the mirage of problems caused by consuming sugar, research has found that it is damaging to the skin as well. Through a...
Hyperpigmentation Elimination Treatment Series
Summer is over and now is the time to treat our sun damaged prematurely aging skin! With the right treatment it is possible to reverse...

Needle Free Botox Alternative
Some information on the primary ingredient in the new Transdermal Facial Rejuvenation service we are now offering. This ingredient was...

Goji Berries and Human Growth Hormone
Goji Berries are one of the highest sources of anti-oxidants on the planet, and stimulate the pituatary gland to product Human Growth...


Pan Fried Cod with Spinach and Sun Dried Tomatoes
Ingredients 4 (6-ounce) cod fillets, without skin Coarse Sea Salt Freshly ground black pepper 2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1/4...